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In SON OF HAMAS on February 3, 2010 at 21:26

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  2. I loved this book and the reminder to all of us Christians to get on our knees and pray for our enemies, that God would reveal His truth to them before its too late. I pray for Mosab that God would continue to bless Him and protect Him and to use Him to help further His Kingdom

  3. Just bought the book. Looking forward to reading it.

  4. I am SO thankful that I watched Hannity this past week! I have been praying for you everyday since and telling every Christian I know.I have received your book in the mail yesterday ( I leapt out of my chair the first 45 seconds into the Hannity interview, placed the show on ‘PAUSE’ (I have satellite,so I can do that)and ordered your book off Amazon. WONDERFUL !!! The Angels Are Rejoicing !! And I’m sure our Saviour, Jesus Christ, has a broad smile upon His face!

  5. This book was so interesting that it was hard to stop reading, even to sleep. Thank you for writing it and I pray it will cause many to think and to seek Jesus with their whole hearts.

  6. Welcome to the family Mosab! I read your book in 1 day. I could not put it down. And now you and your family will be in my prayers. I am buying a copy for a number of friends. What a wonderful G-d we serve. G-d bless you and your family. I pray your family comes to the saving knowledge revealed to you. Is anything to difficult for G-d?

  7. I just picked up “Son of Hamas” and am finding it to be a great read so far. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story with us all!

  8. WOW, I just finished this amazing book. I have a better understanding of the conflict and highly recommend the book. I am very impressed with Mosab Hassan Yousef and applaud his remarkable courage in writing this book. I promise to keep you in my prayers and I agree completely that “Truth and forgiveness are the only solution for the Middle East”.

  9. I’ve just completed reading the best book, I couldn’t put it down until I finished! I’m always amazed at God’s love, mercy, and protection in my own life. What an awesome experience to read of Mosab Yousef’s life. May God continue to bless Mosab with His wisdom and love. Praise God for this book and the light that it will shine into this dark world.
    Romans 4:7

  10. This book is fantastic, I am 17 year old white Mormon American and i have never been so moved by anyone or have learned so much about Islam, If you would of asked me a month ago How do i feel about Muslims? I would of said they want nothing more than to see me dead so how do you think I feel? This book truly touched my heart its like learning the feeling of love all over again !! God bless you Mosab Hassan Yousef !!!

    • Zac,

      I really appreciated your comments about Mosab’s book. Keep in mind that Mosab Hassan Yousef read the Bible to discover a loving God. A God who was never a man. In reading the Gospel he discovered Jesus Christ the lover and savior of his soul. Salvation is by grace through faith not by works. It is faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God. May you discover the glourious truth contained in the Bible. God Bless Mosab and may God reveal to you Zac the wonderful mystery of His grace.

  11. I read this book in two days. It is awesome testimony of a person who wanted to do right. I see Mosab being faithful to God and to himself and in doing so God’s hand of protection was upon him and in the right course of time Mosab came to know the Lord as his savior. There was no pressure, no manipulation, no convincing involved. Mosab searched for truth and the truth set him free. Great book to read DO NOT MISS IT. God bless.

  12. How many of the books have been sold to date?
    I got my copy from Amazon last night.

  13. I started reading the book. WOW! I’m speechless. My mind and my heart is being opened to understand. I started praying for you and your family and for the Middle East. God Bless you. I hope that your testimony will made into a movie. It’s a powerful testimony.

  14. This books was such an eye opener! I can’t imagine the courage, insight and courage it must of taken for Mosab to do these things in the interest of peace. Glad you were open to the Jesus’ message of forgiveness and love.

  15. God be with you. I read your book and was inspired by your courage, Mosab.

    A brother in Christ

  16. Mosab, after reading your book I’m more energized than ever to pray faithfully for those who need to hear about Jesus in countries where it is not permitted openly…I will be praying for you…I will also pray that your mother, father and siblings will have a personal encounter with the One who truly loves them…thank you for being so open about all that you’ve been through; you and Ron did an excellent job of writing your story thus far and I must say, it’s one of the best biographies I’ve read of late…thanks, brother…looking forward to meeting you some day…

  17. Hi I read your book. Very interesting and congratulations for your incredible courage. Do you still have contacts with Loia?



  19. Well I’m a born again Christian and have known Jesus’ love since 1994. I have struggled, and am stuggling in my faith as I’m sure a lot of other Christian brothers and sisters are. I was in Las Vegas for a friend’s birthday celebration when, while waiting for my wife to get ready to go out, I was flipping through the channels and saw Christiane Amanpour interviewing Mosab Hassan Yousef. I was FACINATED by the idea that the son of one of the founders of Hamas was a Christian! I only watched about 15 minutes of the interview, but I made a vow to buy his book to read how this could happen. A radical muslim had become Christian. It was a preview of what God has said in the book of Revelation. That believers will come from all walks of life and it is a testament to the power of God and His truth. Thank you Mosab for sharing your story with me. It has given me strength in that I see there is hope for this post 9/11 world. That God is constantly working in hearts and souls and that He truly loves ALL of us no matter our background, or ideology and despite our sinful ways. No matter how difficult our lives may become, we must not give up and we should continue to seek Him out by praying and reading His Word always. God bless

    • Miguel, Thanks for sharing about your stuggles. Every day Christians go through faith crisis. They are the times when we are not focused upon our Savior and Lord. They are the times when we think more about the world than we do about heaven. We all carry about in us a sin nature that wars against the Spirit. Keep the faith brother. God’s got your back and I will too. Are you in a caring congregation? Are you in a Bible Study group. Find one and allow them to have your back to. I will be praying for you. Stand firm in the faith which you have been given.

  20. Dear Mosad, I read your book in two days and I am so intrigued with what the Lord has done in your life. I would love to meet you some day. I think we could do a lot for the Lord together, and it’s always most exciting to do it in the “front lines” of battle for Him. I want you to know I will be praying for your family to come to the knowledge of truth and love that’s in Christ. I will try to remember to pray for each of them – Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Sabha, Sabeela, Sohayb, Tasneem, Seif, Oways, Mohammad, Anhar, and Naser, everyday. Thank you for writing your book – you have given me a new understanding and love for your countrymen.

  21. Hi Mosab,

    A friend emailed me the link to your radio and tv interviews. I was amazed by your story and journey of faith. I’m reading your book now. God bless you brother, and may God protect you. You speak the truth without fear.

    Mark David Morris

  22. I have seen all the interviews, read the book reviews and ordered your book. My brother I thank you for your courage to risk it all for the cause of Christ and your countymen. May your message find receptive hearts among your family, countymen and the world at large. I pray that your journey of faith will be accompanied by boldness to speak the Word, protection to spread the Word and safety as you walk the Word. Walk in the steps of the Rabbi my brother. My you continue to discover the incomparable richness of His grace. You are welcome to visit my home anytime. I would love for you to speak at my church. With all respect!!!!! I will keep you, your family, your countrymen enveloped in prayer.

  23. my friend and brother in Christ, I am praying for you. just know
    since you became a Christian, the devil wants to take you away from Jesus, that is one of the reason you hear so many people make
    negative comments, keep smiling, walk in faith, continue to defeat the devil until he knows he will never get you back ever because
    you are heaven ward bound. I am walking in faith for you and with you. If you want to be an American citizen, God will arrange that for you. I BELEIVE IN MIRACLES. I read your book, learned a lot from it. I was at the Prophecy conference where you were a guest speaker at Harvest Christian Fellowship.

  24. I loved your book. I have an article on my blog devoted to it with a link for people to buy it through Amazon maybe you can give me a direct link so you receive the money directly.

    From a very concerned Holy Spirit filled Christian who is just a voice crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.Keep up the good work.

  25. Congratulations Mosab! You are born again and a new creation in Christ- II Cor. 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
    I will pray for God’s protection, favor & the presence and comfort and leading of the Holy Spirit upon your life. Thank you for listening & obeying the Lord in all things. He will reward you, certainly you will receive a His coming Kingdom to lay @ Christ’s feet. Hallelujah!

  26. Dear Mosab Yousef, you are my brother in Christ Jesus, our dear Lord, Savior, Master, and King! Praise God!
    How are you? Standing up, to do what is right, is not a popular thing to do. Even good-hearted people will not always understand. God was preparing you ahead of (your) time to give you the strength to stand up for Him.
    “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2: 10.
    I encourage you stay in God’s Word and to lean hard of Him. Pray without ceasing. The Way is difficult and lonely sometimes, but stay focused. Continue to share God’s goodness with those that He places in your path.
    My dear Brother,I hug you in my heart and have you in my prayers.
    Keep walking in John 14: 6.
    Your Sis,
    Carmen >

  27. Dear Mr. Yousef,
    I live in a heavily evangelized part of the US, filled with many nominal Christians who, frankly, often bring discredit to the name of Christ. The dross of the Church can be disillusioning, but I want you to know that your book gave me great hope and strengthened my own faith. Here’s how:

    You described Muslims as climbing a ladder. The nominal Muslims at the bottom do little to help society, while the moderate Muslims help the widow and orphan as instructed in the Quran. Muslims who obey the highest calling of Allah will give their own lives if it means killing others.

    Similarly, nominal Christians do little to help society, while moderate Christians will help the widow and orphan as instructed in the Bible. Here, though, is the great divide: Christians who fully obey the call of Christ will give their own lives if it means other lives will be saved–even those of their enemies!

    For those who grew up in the Church as I did, the message of love for enemies is often taken for granted. When faced with the mirror opposite of this, however, as I saw presented in your book, it gives a fresh appreciation of the Christian truth. It is truly a miraculous revelation.

    I will be praying for you to stand firm in your ministry, and I will also be praying now about what action I might have in bringing the gospel to Muslims.

  28. I loved your book. May the lord continue to guide, protect, and bless you. I’m praying for you, my brother in Christ Jesus.

  29. I read a little of this on line. I am touched, and I believe in Mosab absolutely. A brave soul. A gentle man who loved his family, his people, his enemies, most of all he loved humanity.

  30. mosab, you have been definitely used by the lord jesus to present our world with this revelation of islam.during these turbulent times that we live. i am from malaysia and preaching to muslims is not allowed.. this is a islamic counttry.. praise the lord that there are now many muslims who
    have accepted jesus as their savior.!. when i orderd your book ‘ son of hamas’ i was worried if the book might be confiscated before it got into my hands. i thank the lord that i received it with any problems. i love your book, i read it twice. i am praying for your ministry and i have decided to finance christian missions working in the middle east.. your book has been an eye opener to me. the lord’s strength to be upon you.
    shalom my brother!

  31. Mosab, I have read your book and watched many interviews you have given. I was brought up as a Catholic and am now an atheist having studied theology and philosophy at university. I am filled with admiration for you, and that is not a feeling I have about many human beings quite frankly! The independence of mind, strength and logic with which you made your journey show you to be a quite remarkable man. So few people challenge their culture, their parents’ views, their society- the apple never falls far from the tree as the saying goes, and the consequences of this fact are often negative. I always think of those everyday people in Nazi Germany who should be a lesson to all that unless you use logic, fairness and compassion in reaching your conclusions you run the risk of becoming simply a product of your surroundings and therefore it’s simply a case of where you are born and in what circumstances as to whether you will be a hero or a villain. You have proved something I have long believed, that Muslims are on the whole nice people but Islam is a dangerous cult. I love, love, love how you express your views and am filled with a sense of ‘AT LAST-somebody is saying exactly what I think and proving that human beings can change and be free and be wonderful!’ Honestly, I wish I could express my admiration better- I really have so much respect for you and for your courage. Any man would be so proud to have you as a son and whilst obviously your journey has estranged you from your family I’m sure that in some way your parents must realise what a remarkable young man they have produced. It is a tragedy that such an estrangement should ever have to happen but a telling reflection of the world’s imperfection. Anyway, I really hope that life in the US is good and that you are happy because you surely deserve to be. Please know that many, many people around the world think very highly of you and wish you all the best. Ps I love your humour too, keep smiling!

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